Statistical review

Queensland Government Statistician's Office (QGSO) can provide reviews or appraisals of statistical measures, products or outputs proposed or developed by other government agencies or private contractors. Examples of these include: performance frameworks, surveys, data collections, statistical analysis and reports containing statistical data.

Performance frameworks

QGSO can review and advise on performance frameworks, including identifying appropriate indicators and data sources, and advising on data quality, limitations and fitness for purpose of data.


Our team of survey specialists in QGSO can review proposed or completed surveys conducted by government agencies, including design, level of statistical rigour and appropriateness of methodology. We provide recommendations for improvement to achieve more accurate results, improved data quality and cost effectiveness.


QGSO has considerable expertise in developing and operating systems for the collection of data and other information. We can review all aspects of data collection systems developed by, or for, other government agencies and provide advice on ways to improve the quality of the data.


With extensive experience in data analysis, QGSO can review analytical methods used, comment on their suitability and suggest alternative, improved techniques where appropriate. We can also provide advice on the correctness of any description or interpretation of statistical testing results.


QGSO can critically review reports prepared by government agencies and advise on the best way to present data and other information, including maps, graphs and tables. We can edit statistical reports and publications prepared by agencies for structure, logic, content, style and format. QGSO can also assist in evaluating the statistical and analytical content of tender submissions received and reports from contractors.

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